Wednesday, September 06, 2006

August 8, 2006

Bush: "Rummy, kin you leave some of our boys over there to guard our oil? Like, just sit on it so those fuckers with the notes don't git nervous and cause a Texas shitstorm. Jus' show 'em the old greenback's got a little lead in his pencil. Attaboy. Pret' soon ole Ben Franklin's gonna be stickin' up like a boy scout at the girl scout's swimmin' hole."

Don: "But Geedubya, the goddam sand-niggers 've come unglued. There's a goddam civil war goin' on in 'raq. 'mericans 're gittin' squeamish too."

Bush: "Jeez Don. get a holt 'a yerself. Call that Limey faggot and tell him he's got a couple, wait, make it fourteen terr'ists headin' his way with bombs in sody pop bottles. Then call up a few reserves and send 'em on over."


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